Opremanje i remont luksuznih jahta

Task details
Posted on Jan 22nd, 2024
Accepting applications
1400.00€ per month (Negotiable)
On Site
Full Time
Skills Required
  • Civil Engineering

We are looking for 3-5 experienced employees in the field of ceramics to work on luxury yachts (repairs). The work is done in Croatia and accommodation, transportation to and from work, meals, bonuses for additional work are include and paid. 
There is a possibility of advancement in the company.
It is necessary to know the best and most expensive ceramics and work with them.
The possibility of working for an indefinite period of time.
The specified salary is not fixed, which means that it can only be higher.

The start of work is from February 1, 2024


Tražimo 3-5 iskusnih djelatnika s područja keramike za rad na luksiznim bordovima (remonti). Posao se radi u Hrvatskoj i plaćen je smještaj, prijevoz na posao i s posla, topli obrok, naknde, bonusi za dodatatan rad, postoji mogućnost napredovanja u tvrtki. 
Potrebno je poznavanje vrhunske i najskuplije keramike i rad sa istom. 
Mogućnost rada na neodređeno vrijeme. 
Navedena plaća nije fiksna što znači da može biti samo veća. 

Početak rada je od 1. Veljača 2024.



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